Border Health Alliance exists to improve the well-being of the local community by helping them see better, conveniently and with the help of trusted local surgeons.
Border Health Alliance (BHA) was born out of a desire from local optometrists and eye surgeons to work together to reduce NHS cataract surgery waiting times for Herefordshire patients and to do so in a location convenient to them.
Herefordshire offers a UK-leading collaboration between local eye consultants and their optometry and dispensing optician colleagues working in the community, providing a wide range of non-surgical treatments across the ophthalmic community. The pre-existing services provided in Herefordshire are unrivalled, and therefore we feel it is only right we provide a solution for the ever-increasing need for high quality cataract surgery in Herefordshire.
BHA is a limited company, with shareholders and directors drawn from Herefordshire’s large network of eye care experts.
All NHS consultant surgeons at Hereford County hospital form part of the ownership and management of BHA.
Other key players in the organisation being optometrist & local optical committee (LOC) chair, Darren Smith, and Mrs Tracy Kelly, practice manager for the successful private medical business, The Wye Clinic. NHS surgeons involved include Mr Simon Madge, Mr Ben While, Mr George Morphis, Mr Geraint Williams, Mr Amun Sachdev, Mrs Sheeja Thomas & Mr Will Fusi-Rubiano. We work together with all local optometrists in the region, providing seamless referral from your eye test, through your cataract experience, and back to your local optician for follow-up. We are there for you at every stage in your journey.
We are thrilled to be partnered with the region’s luxury private medical clinic, The Wye Clinic, where many of our treatments will take place in 2024 and 2025.
The Wye Clinic is a centre of excellence for private ophthalmology (including premium intraocular lenses for cataract surgery / lens replacement surgery), dermatology & plastic surgery, upper limb orthopaedics, The Hereford Menopause Clinic, varicose veins, urology and general surgery.